Santa Monica, California
(Ages 11 – 18 with minimal experience)

The Teen Ballet Intensive is the perfect program of study for adolescent students who are new to ballet, or have recently begun their training. Instruction in classical technique is supplemented with alternating emphasis throughout the week, from petit allegro and pirouettes, ending each day with a stretch class. This well-rounded intensive prepares aspiring students for the next step in their studies.
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Teen Ballet Workshops 2025
(Ages 11 – 18 with minimal experience)
Intensive 1: June 30 – July 7 Intensive 2: August 11 – 13
Monday to Wednesday, 2:30 – 6:30pm
3 days / 4 hours per day: Daily Technique, Focused concentration on center floor work, Variations, Strengthening and Conditioning. $350 per intensive / $300 Early Enrollment by April 15.