Adult Summer Intensives 2024

Photo by Rosalie O’Connor

Adult Intro/Beginner Intensive

Click here to register

June 10* – 14

*Day Added! Monday to Friday 3:30 – 6:30pm

Instructors: Sadie Black, Bruce McCormick, David Prottas, Rebecca Witjas

5 Days / 4 Instructors: Learn ballet vocabulary and improve your skills. There will be a daily concentrated focus during center-floor work. Each faculty member brings their unique style and inspiration to their class. Limited class size, personalized attention.

$575 / $525 early enrollment by May 1

And back by popular demand!

Adult Beginning Class & Pas de Deux with Sven Toorvald:

Sign up via MindBody.

June 15 – August 17

Beginner class warmup: 10:30 – 11:30am and Intro to Pas de Deux class: 11:30am – 12:30pm

Learn the art of Pas de Deux with resident faculty member Sven Toorvald, who brings more than 3 decades of professional experience to this specialty.

Bellydance at Westside School of Ballet

Monday August 12 – Saturday August 17

American Cabaret Extravaganza

Featuring World Renowned Ansuya

Get your American Cabaret Style Certification

Click here to register

Click here to learn more:

Immerse yourself in Ansuya’s elevated bellydance experience which brings together unique bellydance technique and expression for a sensually empowering, chakra activating, and female liberating effect. Giving dancers of all styles a deep connection to a plethora of feminine movement pathways and tuning them to their intuitive improvisation power. This course will spark new energy in dancers’ emotional expression and sense of personal awakening in any dance process. This master course will be taught by superstar innovator, Ansuya, who is passionate about sharing all the ways in which her curated approach to American Cabaret Style Bellydance can light a pathway of joy for all women! All levels welcome. 

New to Westside? Our classes are ongoing — join at any time!

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