Adult Class Etiquette

Adult Students, 

Thank you for your continued support of Westside Ballet.  We are grateful for your loyalty and your appreciation of our wonderful faculty and pianists.

Ballet Class is a joyful experience and we would like every student to experience that joy in every class.  I have put together a review of Class Etiquette which should be followed by every student in every class.  These “rules” are learned and respected by our youngest students from their first class and should be a part of every class at every level. 

Thank you so much for your cooperation.  Please let the desk know if you have a concern.

  1. Arrive to class no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the start of class.
  2. Arrive no later than 10 minutes after the start of class as it is disruptive to your fellow students and to the teachers.  If you are late, (which should not be chronic) please place yourself as quickly and discreetly as possible. No one should be interrupted in their class due to your tardiness.
  3. Be courteous to your fellow students about where and how you place yourself at the barre.
  4. Your telephone should remain in your ballet bag and not be viewed or used in the classroom.
  5. Ballet Slippers must be worn in every class.  Socks are not permitted. 
  6. No loitering in the lobby before or after class. 


  • When placing yourself in groups, please recognize your ability and participate with a group of your peers.  Those dancers less experienced should not place themselves in groups of more highly skilled dancers. 
  • When going across the floor the more skilled dancers should go first.  This gives you an opportunity to watch and learn and also gives the more advanced dancers freedom to move more aggressively.   You must WAIT IN LINE for your turn.  Do not pop into any group going across the floor.  Stay in line until it is your turn.
  • Once the combination is finished, you must move FORWARD and to the sides of the room immediately and out of the way of the next group. 
  • When class is over please gather your things and leave the studio as efficiently as possible. 

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